Handmade Photo Group

Welcome to the Handmade Photo Group!
We are a group of photographers who gather on Monday nights at 6:00 pm at Photoworks at Glen Echo Park to explore historic photo processes together, including but not limited to: cyanotype, salted paper, platinum/palladium and wet plate collodian. Sometimes we print; sometimes we chat and share ideas. Always we support and learn from each other.
We communicate our plans for Monday nights and share successes and failures through a What’s App group. New members are invited to come check us out a time or two before joining. There is no official process for joining other than beginning to pay the membership fee of $75/quarter. Please note that this is not a class for those with no experience, but a way for alt process photographers to come together, each of us working toward our own goals. Members are responsible for providing their own paper, chemicals and other supplies.
For more information contact: Mac Cosgrove-Davies at gummist@gmail.com.