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foundation Classes

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Intro To Platinum_Palladium Printing -Scott Davis.jpeg
Foundation: Intro to Platinum/Palladium Printing

Apr 15 & 16 

Sat and Sun 10am-3pm 

with Scott Davis 

at Photoworks Studio

Intro to Platinum/Palladium Printing


2 sessions

Photoworks Studio  


Students will learn how to make digitally enlarged negatives, and the fundamentals of working in alternative processes, specifically focused on palladium printing. Bridge antique and modern techniques with this process to create beautiful and long-lasting images. All supplies provided - $50 materials fee due at first session. More info:

Explore Montgomery County - Karen Keating .jpeg
Foundation: Explore Montgomery County 

Apr 15 - May 13 

Saturdays 9:30am-12pm

with Karen Keating 

at Photoworks Studio

Explore Montgomery County


5 sessions 

Photoworks Studio and Offsite


Four "off campus" weekend trips will explore unique sites in Montgomery County. The fifth class, at Photoworks Studio, will include editing, sequencing, and presentation. Photos will be included in a Pop-up exhibit at Glen Echo Park sponsored by Photoworks. More info:

Oil Printing - Mac Cosgrove-Davies .jpeg
Foundation: Oil Printing 

Apr 19 - May 17 

Wednesdays, 7-10pm

with Mac Cosgrove Davies 

at Photoworks Studio

Oil Printing


5 sessions 

Photoworks Studio 


Using paper, gelatin, sensitizer, lithographic ink, medium/large format negatives, and simple equipment, learn to make striking and unique photographic images using ‘oil’ printing, a process based on the disaffinity of oil and water. Digital negatives can be made if needed. Supplies included. More info:

iphone in the garden - Garden Path - Susan Bloom.jpeg
Foundation: iPhone in the Garden 

Apr 24 - May 4

Mon and Thurs 7-9pm  

with Sue Bloom 


iPhone in the Garden


4 sessions 



Learn to use the computer in your pocket as you stroll through your favorite gardens. Explore the wonderful possibilities the iPhone offers for garden photography, including macro methods and using portrait mode to effectively focus on your subject. Explore basic techniques, shooting RAW, and curated apps to enhance creative approaches. Meets twice a week: April 24, 27, May 1 & 4. More info:

Great Portraits with Simple Lighting = Frank Van Riper.jpeg
Foundation: Great Portraits with Simple Lighting

May 6 - May 13

Saturdays 10am - 1pm

with Frank Van Riper  

at Photoworks Studio

Great Portraits with Simple Lighting


2 sessions 

Photoworks Studio 


In this class we will do wonderful things with aluminum foil, a flashlight— and perhaps even a candle. We might also use flash —but only the smallest, cheapest and easiest-to-use kind. Great portraits begin with a concept. You don’t need expensive gear to make great portraits. More info:

Lisa E 2.jpeg
Foundation: Wet Plate Collodion Workshop 

May 6 & 7 

Sat and Sun 10am - 6pm

with Lisa Elmaleh 

at Photoworks Studio

Wet Plate Collodion Workshop


2 sessions 



Students will learn to create tintypes (positives on tin), ambrotypes (positives on glass), and glass negatives using chemistry and an outdoor darkroom. Students make large format images outside, and learn darkroom technique one-on-one with the teacher. No prior experience required. All materials and equipment provided. More info:

Intro to Studio Lighting - Scott Davis .jpeg
Foundation: Intro to Studio Lighting Workshop

May 6 & 7 

Sat & Sun 10am-1pm

with Scott Davis

at Photoworks Studio

Intro to Studio Lighting Workshop


2 session 

Photoworks Studio 


Students will learn how to use continuous lights and strobes and basic studio best practices. We will shoot still life on Saturday and portraits on Sunday to get a better understanding of how to control light. More info:

Foundation: Digital Camera Clinic Workshop

May 14

Sunday 10:30am - 1pm

with Page Carr 


Digital Camera Clinic


1 session 



Get help with your camera settings, exposure control, and other questions and problems in a small group. Send questions ahead of time if you like. For any level. Notes will be provided. More info:

Carbon Printing Weekend Workshop - Mac.jpeg
Foundation: Carbon Printing Weekend Workshop

May 20 & 21 

Sat & Sun 12 - 4pm

with Mac Cosgrove- Davies 

at Photoworks Studio

Carbon Printing Weekend Workshop


2 sessions 



Students will learn to create tintypes (positives on tin), ambrotypes (positives on glass), and glass negatives using chemistry and an outdoor darkroom. Students make large format images outside, and learn darkroom technique one-on-one with the teacher. No prior experience required. All materials and equipment provided. More info:

Carr intermediate get out of auto - page carr.jpeg
Foundation: Get Out of Auto (Intermediate Digital Photography)

June 10 - June 24 

Saturdays, 10:30am - 1pm

with Page Carr 

at Online

Get Out of Auto (Intermediate Digital Photography) 


3 sessions 



Ideal for those who have been using their digital cameras in full auto mode and want to learn to use Priority and Manual modes to control shutter speed, aperture, white balance, and ISO. Illustrated notes will be provided. More info:

Printing digital photos on Alternative Papers (2) = David Scherbel.jpeg
Foundation: Printing Digital Photos on Alternative Papers Workshop

June 13 

Tuesday 10am - 12pm

with David Scherbel 

at Photoworks Studio 

Printing Digital Photos on Alternative Papers Workshops


1 session 

Photoworks Studio 


Explore the varying creative results of printing photos on non-commercial inject papers, such as, paper vellum, cotton drawing and watercolor papers, textured papers, and various colored papers. Displayed prints will demonstrate how different papers can affect an image. More info:

Intro to Black and White Printing and Developing Peter Kozloski.jpeg
Foundation: Intro to Black and White Printing and Developing 

June 15 - August 17 

Thursdays 6-10pm

with Peter Kozloski  

Photoworks Studio 

Intro to Black and White Printing and Developing


10 sessions 

Photoworks Studio 


The class is for students to learn the fundamental basics of Black and White film developing and printing. This is a hands-on experience where students will be in the darkroom, developing film, exposing negatives and creating photographs. All you need is film and paper to join this magical journey. More info:

Large Format in the Field and Studio - Scott Davis.jpeg
Foundation: Large Format in the Field and Studio

July 8 - August 26 (Omit July 29 - Aug 5)

Saturdays 11am - 3pm

with Scott Davis  

Photoworks Studio 

Large Format in the Field and Studio


6 sessions 



We will get practical experience with large format photography in its varied uses, from landscape and architecture to studio tabletop and portrait photography. Shoot, process, print and scan your film. More info:  Min age 16. 6 sessions.

Design and Print Your Own Photography Book with Online Sites - David Scherbel.jpeg
Camp: Design and Print Your Own Photography Book with Online Sites (12-17)

August 1 

M-F 10am - 12pm

with David Scherbel and Tom Sliter 

Photoworks Studio 

Design and Print Your Own Photography Book with Online Sites


5 sessions 

Photoworks Studio


Would you like to see your summer photographs collected in a book? Make your own with online book-making websites. Class will include steps from start to finish to design and submit your book on-line for printing, including guidance on selecting final photos, text, and effective page designs. More info:  Min age 16. 3 sessions.

Past Classes

Cyanotypes Beyond Blue - Paige Billin-Frye.jpeg
Foundation: Cyanotypes Beyond Blue (Printing)

Mar 1 - 15

Wednesdays 7-10pm

with Paige Billin-Frye 

at Photoworks Studio




3 sessions 

In Person 


Learn the basics of creating digital negatives and cyanotype prints. This class can be paired with Cyanotypes Beyond Blue - Toning, to alter the blue color of our prints using chemistry, botany and paint. The toning class takes place the following three Wednesdays.

More info:


Cyanotypes Beyond Blue (Printing)
Cyanotypes Beyond Blue - Alley in Shaw - Paige Billin-Frye.jpeg
Foundation: Cyanotypes Beyond Blue (Toning) 

Mar 22 - Apr 5 

Wednesdays 7-10pm 

with Paige Billin-Frye 

at Photoworks Studio

 Cyanotypes Beyond Blue (Toning)


3 sessions 

In Person 


This class introduces toning cyanotypes using chemistry, botany and paint to change the blue of the prints. Students must bring cyanotypes ready to tone. Can be paired with Cyanotypes Beyond Blue - Printing, taking place the three Wednesdays before.

Introduction to Adobe Lightroom Classic for Digital Photography - Moving Weather 3 - Alec
Foundation: Intro to Adobe Lightroom Classic for Digital Photography

Mar 15 - May 3

Wednesdays, 7-9pm

with Alec Dann

at Photoworks Studio

Intro to Adobe Lightroom for Digital Photography


6 sessions 



Learn how to organize your digital photographs and bring them to life with adjustments that are powerful and easy-to-learn. Work with photographs from your camera, phone or scanner and push your photography in new directions. Class will include live software demonstrations plus hands-on practice with your own images. More info:

Carr intermediate get out of auto - page carr.jpeg
Foundation: Get Out of Auto 

Mar 19 - Apr 2

Sunday 11am-1:30pm 

with Page Carr 

at Photoworks Studio

Getting Out of Auto 


3 sessions 



Ideal for those who have been using their digital cameras in full auto mode and want to learn to use Priority and Manual modes to control shutter speed, aperture, white balance, and ISO. Illustrated notes will be provided. More info:

Gum Bichromate Weekend Workshop 1 - Mac .jpeg
Foundation: Gum Bichromate Weekend Workshop

Mar 25 & 26

Sat and Sun 12-4pm 

with Mac Cosgrove-Davies 

at Photoworks Studio

Gum Bichromate Weekend Workshop


2 sessions 

Photoworks Studio 

Gum bichromate is a highly versatile hand-made photo process that encourages creative image making. Using medium/large format negatives, students practice mixing and applying emulsions, image exposure and development. Creative controls such as color choices, selective development, and multiple printing will be covered. Digital negatives can be made if needed. More info:

iphone photo explored- reflection  - Susan Bloom.jpeg
Foundation: iPhone Photography Explored

Mar 27 - Apr 6

Mon & Thurs 7-9pm 

with Sue Bloom

at Online

iPhone Photography Explored


4 sessions 


We carry a computer and camera in our pocket, allowing us to make high quality photographs. Do you want to know how to take better photos with your iPhone? Explore the native camera abilities, as well as helpful apps, that are curated for you. Learn to comfortably navigate your iPhone camera. More info:

Glen Echo Park

7300 MacArthur Blvd.

Glen Echo, MD


Gallery Hours

SAT: 1–4 PM & SUN: 1–4 PM


Darkroom & Digital Hours: 
SUN: 1–5 PM

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