La Faccia - And More
3 sessions
Photoworks Studio
A 3-week class photographing the face—as well as abstract shapes and forms. Learn to incorporate arresting imagery with portraiture to up your game photographing people. All lighting supplied by instructor. Veterans of Frank’s ‘La Faccia’ class that debuted last fall will love this sequel. More info:
Narrative Landscape
6 sessions
Narrative Landscape explores how to make a series of landscape images that tell a story. By combining the traditions of landscape photography with ideas from documentary traditions you will make a set of images that have an emotional narrative at its core. More info:
Digital Collage Workshop
1 session
Photoworks Studio
Learn to combine imagery to create a stronger context and creative message. Learn to use Photoshop tools effectively, layers, layer masks and blending modes. Tutorials provided. Discover the value of unifying colors and textures. We will focus on your creative intention and how to implement it in a cohesive fashion. More info:
Visual Calisthenics Workshop
2 sessions
Photoworks Studio
Stretch your visual perception and artistic approach with challenging, instructive photographic assignments. This intense weekend of out-of-the-box assignments (e.g. a raccoon’s world view) and technical instruction will provide fresh perspectives and techniques to reinvigorate your photography. Digital and film photographers are welcome. Peter Kozloski and Scott Davis
Printing Digital Photos on Alternative Papers Workshop
1 session
Photoworks Studio
Explore the varying creative results of printing photos on non-commercial inject papers, such as, paper vellum, cotton drawing and watercolor papers, textured papers, and various colored papers. Displayed prints will demonstrate how different papers can affect an image. More info:
Expressions Workshop
4 sessions
Bring your images, thoughts, and story together in an exhibit, book, pamphlet, artist statement, or website. Workshop participants will define a short-term project, edit/select images/text, and construct a rough book or exhibition. Working virtually, everyone will exchange images, ideas, and text and present during the last session. (Meets every other week). More info:
Photographing Art Work
3 sessions
Photoworks Studio
This class is aimed at those who want to make superb images of their, or others', artwork, for use in submissions for competitions or catalogs. I will supply all the lighting gear and we will explore myriad ways to show off artwork, flat and 3-D, to its best advantage. More Info:
Say What You Mean
8 sessions
A critique-based seminar for intermediate and advanced photographers. Focus is on exploring content at deeper levels, developing a practice that is consistent and productive and that supports each photographer's unique artistic vision. All classes held on Zoom. Seven group critiques and one individual critique per seminar. Returning students are welcome. More Info:
Handmade Photo Group
12 sessions
Photoworks Studio
This group provides a community setting for practicing your skills in handmade photo processes including platinum, cyanotype, gum bichromate, etc. The Handmade Photo Group meets on Mondays at Photoworks, for printing, sharing technique, and critique. Members provide all materials. Please contact Mac Cosgrove-Davies ( if interested.
Intermediate Darkroom Photography
10 sessions
Photoworks Studio
Intermediate black and white film photographers will enhance their darkroom skills and techniques. Topics include multigrade filters, exposure techniques, film processing strategies, fine art prints, and basic presentation techniques. Regular special guests will share their photography journeys and specialization. Students must supply: film camera, film, photo paper. More info:
Advanced Darkroom Photography
10 sessions
Photoworks Studio
Experienced black and white film photographers will fine tune their camera and darkroom techniques. Topics include advanced metering, exposure techniques, film processing strategies, and making fine art prints. Regular special guests will share their photography journeys and areas of specialization. Students must supply: film camera, film, photo paper. More info:
Studio Lighting Workshop
with Frank Van Riper
Jan 21 - 22
Saturday & Sunday, 11am - 4pm
This hands-on workshop will explore the basics of studio lighting equipment and techniques. We will transform Photoworks into two functioning studio environments for portraits, products, and still life with backgrounds, stands, monolights and power pack lights, common light modifiers (including softboxes, reflectors, umbrellas, etc.), and triggers for most common cameras. Skill level: intermediate to advanced. Supplies needed: recommended to bring a working mirrorless, DSLR, or film camera.
More info: Minimum age 16.
2 sessions.
In Person (Masks and Vaccinations Required)
Photographers' Voice ​
with Karen Keating​
Jan 25 - March 1
Wednesdays, 7pm - 9:30pm
A course for students who have developed basic photographical skills (digital or film) and have focused content and a desire to build the depth and scope of the chosen content. Working in a community of photographers each photographer will share content depth, practice critique skills and write an artist statement for their set of images. Visiting artists will show portfolios and share their steps and approaches to self-directed portfolios. Film or Digital.
More info: Minimum age 21. 6 sessions
In Person (Masks and Vaccinations Required)
Photoshop Montage Projects​
with Page Carr​
Jan 29 - Feb 26 (No Class Feb 5 & Feb 19)
Sunday, 11am - 1:30pm
Look at works by historical and contemporary artists in photomontage for inspiration, and develop projects of your own with critiques. Students should have some experience using photoshop adjustment layers and masks. Readings and illustrated notes will be provided.
More info:
Minimum age 17. 3 sessions.
Master Class with Dr. Flash​
with Frank Van Riper​
Feb 4 - Feb 15
Saturday, 10am - 1pm
Studio lighting with Frank Van Riper. Play with the big toys—studio strobe lights, umbrellas, etc., all supplied by instructor—to increase your skills with still-life, portraits and interiors. A followup to ‘Flash Photography Demystified.’ Skill level: intermediate/advanced.
More info:
Minimum age 18. 3 sessions.
In Person (Masks and Vaccinations Required)
The View Camera - Large Format Film Photography Workshop​
Photoworks Faculty ​
Feb 25 - 26
Saturday & Sunday 11am - 4pm
If you have ever wanted to unlock the mysteries of 4x5 or bigger large format film cameras, this workshop is for you which will blend classroom instruction and hands-on experience with both field and studio large format view cameras. We will explore the construction and function of view cameras including lenses, film holders, camera movements (tilt, rise, shift,) focusing, depth of field, needed gear, and various calculations to make proper exposures. Skill level: intermediate to advanced. Supplies needed: none! Unless you have your own large format camera!
More info: Peter Kozloski
Minimum age 16. 2 sessions.
In Person (Masks and Vaccinations Required)
Past Classes
Say What You Mean
8 sessions
A critique-based seminar for intermediate and advanced photographers. Focus is on exploring content at deeper levels, developing a practice that is consistent and productive and that supports each photographer's unique artistic vision. All classes held on Zoom. Seven group critiques and one individual critique per seminar. Returning students are welcome. More Info:
Handmade Photo Group
12 sessions
Photoworks Studio
This group provides a community setting for practicing your skills in handmade photo processes including platinum, cyanotype, gum bichromate, etc. The Handmade Photo Group meets on Mondays at Photoworks, for printing, sharing technique, and critique. Members provide all materials. Please contact Mac Cosgrove-Davies ( if interested.
Photographer's Book Club
12 sessions
Photoworks Studio
This group provides a community setting for practicing your skills in handmade photo processes including platinum, cyanotype, gum bichromate, etc. The Handmade Photo Group meets on Mondays at Photoworks, for printing, sharing technique, and critique. Members provide all materials. Please contact Mac Cosgrove-Davies ( if interested.
Portfolio Development: "I come from..."
8 Sessions
Photoworks Studio
Using the prompt, "I come from..." and previous bodies of work, students will determine content ideas, sequence and print a cohesive set of photographs. Critiquing and sequencing skills will be practiced. More info:
Just Get Rid of It - Editing for Impact
6 sessions
Photoworks Studio
In this class we’ll work on the art of editing and pacing and make your work as strong as possible. You don’t have to create new work, bring in projects you’ve been wrestling with and together we’ll hone your voice and visual statement. Work can be film or digital. More info:
Intermediate Darkroom Photography
10 sessions
Photoworks Studio
Intermediate black and white film photographers will enhance their darkroom skills and techniques. Topics include multigrade filters, exposure techniques, film processing strategies, fine art prints, and basic presentation techniques. Regular special guests will share their photography journeys and specialization. Students must supply: film camera, film, photo paper. More info:
Advanced Darkroom Photography
10 Sessions
Photoworks Studio
Experienced black and white film photographers will fine tune their camera and darkroom techniques. Topics include advanced metering, exposure techniques, film processing strategies, and making fine art prints. Regular special guests will share their photography journeys and areas of specialization. Students must supply: film camera, film, photo paper. More info:
Digital Photography II - Honing Your Skills
8 sessions
Photoworks Studio
Guidance to help create two theme-based photo projects to refine your skill in seeing, taking and editing good photographs. All photos critiqued in weekly meetings. Composition, theories of great photographs and techniques in Photoshop/Lightroom bring out the best version of your photo. We print your top photos in class Info:
The Art of Photography
8 sessions
Photoworks Studio
Examining the creative process that goes into creating a great photograph. We will look at subject matter, approach, composition (it can help, but does everyone think it important?), editing, printing and presentation for your audience. Critique of past and current ongoing projects. Discussion of how to achieve your goals. More info:
Digital Editing & Printing with Photoshop and Lightroom
8 sessions
Photoworks Studio
Learn the basic skill sets of Photoshop & Lightroom. Learn to edit your images in your favorite program to maximize the potential of your image. Also, calibrating your monitor, choosing a paper & choosing a printer. We print in class. Lots of instructional handouts. More info:
The History of Photography in 8 Artists
7 sessions
Photoworks Studio
We will examine the history of photography using eight practitioners (Daguerre, Nadar, Fenton, Steichen, Lange, Capa, Parks, and Mann), examining historical context, available technology, technique, and results. Students will create their own photographs, inspired by a particular photographer. The break will allow students to pursue projects and return for critique. More info: