Hindsight is 2020
The world has suffered so many tests in this tectonic year that —while being deeply felt — are also paradoxically largely invisible. Health, environment, politics and social justice are all megascopic; too large to be seen. So how and what can photography begin to inform where words cannot?
This is work from 2020. COVID-19 and the politics of division have changed life in public significantly. From the ubiquity of masks, social distancing, protests and empty streets, this exhibit reveals how this new paradigm has affected their practice.
Street photography is candid, unstaged photography primarily in public places. However, It does not necessarily require the presence of a street or even the urban environment. While human subjects usually feature prominently in this genre, it can just as often be absent of people, focusing on an implied presence of humanity that references the human condition.

Chris Suspect is a street and documentary photographer hailing from the Washington, DC-area. He specializes in capturing absurd and profound moments in the quotidian. His street photography work has been recognized internationally and has been exhibited in Miami, Los Angeles, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Romania, Georgia, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom. His documentary work on the underground music scene in Washington, DC, was published as a book, Suspect Device, in 2014 and is currently held in the Leica Galerie Archives and the DC Public Library archives. In 2020, Suspect published four books under his own imprint, Gratuity Included, Leather Boyz, Old Customs and Bad Day.
Top three Finalists

1st Place
Diriki Rice

2nd Place
Portrait in the Rain
Melinda Reyes